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Provision [retired]

We are no longer accepting this assignment. View included files for an annotated version of our reference solution for this problem.


Provision Vagrant with Ansible


You'll need Vagrant, version 2.0+, and Ansible for this exercise.

On some operating systems, such as Windows 10 Home or MacOS, you probably will need to install VirtualBox for Vagrant to function. We've tested this assignment only on 64-bit x86 architectures, and it may not work correctly on other hardware platforms.

The task

Generally, your submission should demonstrate good security practices. Show us your understanding of security best-practices: TLS/SSL settings in your nginx configuration, how you manage third-party dependencies, and restrict access to sensitive files.

Part one

Complete the config/nginx.conf by writing a server directive(s) that proxies to the upstream application.


  • Nginx should accept requests on ports 80 and 443
  • All http requests should permanently redirect to their https equivalent
  • Use the provided files/self-signed.crt and files/self-signed.key for your SSL configuration
  • Your SSL configuration should use modern, secure protocols and ciphers
  • Nginx should proxy requests to the application using an upstream directive
  • Pass headers X-Forwarded-For and X-Real-IP to the upstream application with appropriate values

Part two

Complete playbook.yml such that it:

  • Installs nginx
  • Copies config/nginx.conf, files/self-signed.key, and files/self-signed.crt to appropriate locations on the destination box
  • Ensures appropriate file permissions are set for each of the three files mentioned above
  • Copies and unzips/untars the contents of to /opt/application/ on the destination box
  • Installs and configures the application's run script as a systemd service
  • Starts nginx using the configuration you completed and copied to the box

Checking your work

You can test that your playbook works by running ./ Be aware that destroys and recreates the Vagrant box each time it is run.

A working configuration will render:

Pass: status code is 200
Pass: X-Forwarded-For is present and not 'None'
Pass: X-Real-IP is present and not 'None'
Pass: found "It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission." in response

Tips and guidance


  • Do add notes on running your solution, or why you choose a particular solution, in a file.


  • Don't alter the Vagrantfile.
  • Don't include .vagrant/, .retry files, or other detritus.
  • Avoid chaining commands using | and && in your playbook.yml

Included files

There are no included files to download for this assignment.